If you want to use two-factor authentication/Active directory when logging in, contact support@motivati.no.
When activating two-factor or ad, this will apply to all employees/users in Motivati.
In order to have two-factor authentication, the telephone number of each employee must be registered. Go to organization in the menu to the left:
- Alternative 1 (few employees): Register telephone number by clicking on the selected employee
- Alternative 2 (many employees): Import with csv - read how here, or contact us directly; we are happy to help you!
Login: Username (e-mail) and password. You will get a text to verify yourself.
Not getting any text? Contact the administrator in youre company and he/she can check if the pone number is correct.
Active Directory
AD must be switched on by Motivati before you can use this login. When turned on, the "active directory" tab must be used.
Login with regular password will not work.
ATTENTION! To use Active Directory, the email address registered in Motivati must be the same you use at Microsoft.