Add a new recipient to a survey

To view the combined results of all employees, it is important that they are included in the same distribution. If you send surveys to different departments separately, you won't be able to see the overall results for all departments together. Instead, you will only see the results for each department individually.

To avoid this limitation, we recommend adding all departments to the same distribution. If you need to send surveys at different times or if any employee is missing from the initial sending, you can use the "Add more recipient" function.


To add additional recipients, follow these steps:

  1. Find the survey you want to add recipients to.
  2. Click on the "edit" button for the specific survey.

3. Locate the "add more recipients" button within the window.

  • 4. Tick off the departments/employees you want to include in the distribution.

    5. Click on the "add recipient" button.

The added recipients will be listed below.

Note! If you wish to edit the e-mail text before you add new recipients you can do so by editing the text in the "e-mail to recipients"-box  and then add recipients.

Skjermbilde 2023-12-18 kl. 15.40.40