How to prepare for the development conversation

The development conversation is an opportunity to influence your work situation. What do you need to thrive and succeed in your role?

Before the development conversation

Prior to the development conversation, you will be requested to complete a survey. This survey aims to provide your leader with a comprehensive insight into your work environment and pinpoint any areas that may need improvement. It is crucial to emphasize that the survey results should not be analyzed or acted upon without a discussion between you and your leader. The primary objective is to gain understanding and establish a mutual agreement, facilitating the process of enhancing your work situation, if necessary.

The Survey

When you start the survey, you'll encounter pairs of statements related to your work environment. Your task is to distribute 5 points between these two statements. We understand that it can be tough to decide which statement is more crucial, but this step is here to guide you in making a choice. Give the highest score to the statement that holds the most significance for your work situation. If you're unsure, assigning 2/3 points to each statement won't greatly impact the overall result.

Motivation analysis - allocate points

You might observe that you are required to provide feedback on similar statements multiple times. This repetition is intentional as it allows for a thorough comparison of each factor against one another, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of your work environment.

The results - the Motivation analysis

The survey results provide valuable insights into the crucial motivational factors in your work environment. By comparing the importance you previously desired with how these factors are currently perceived, you and your leader can identify areas for improvement and have productive discussions on enhancing your work situation.

Motivation Analysis

If there is a noticeable difference between the importance you place on certain factors (previously desired level) and how they are currently perceived, it is essential for your leader to show curiosity and delve into the reasons behind this gap. Together, you can work towards finding solutions to bridge this difference and improve your work environment.

Additional questions

In the last part of the survey, you will be asked to rate statements on a scale from 1 to 10. This gives you the opportunity to offer more specific feedback on how effectively various work-related conditions are being addressed..


How should I interpret the scale?

  • Scoring between 7 and 10 indicates that your work situation is meeting expectations.
  • If you score between 4 and 6, there are areas that could benefit from improvement.
  • However, a score of 1 to 3 suggests that specific aspects of your work environment may not be adequately addressed.

How long should I expect to spend on the survey?

You should expect to spend approximately 15 minutes on the survey.

Is it possible to regret a response and go back to change it?

Once your answers are saved in the survey, you cannot go back and change them. However, you can take a break, close the survey, and resume from where you left off, starting with the last question you answered. If you believe you have provided an incorrect response, it is important to bring it up and discuss it during the conversation with your leader.

Is this a personality test?

The survey is not designed to evaluate your personality. Its purpose is to pinpoint the key factors crucial to your work environment. By recognizing these factors, you and your manager can collaborate to establish effective strategies that boost your job satisfaction and productivity.

Can all managers see my results?

The information you provide in the survey will be stored securely and kept confidential between you and your immediate leader. However, if there are three or more responses, the leader on the next level in the organization will have access to the combined department results. Be assured that your privacy will be fully respected during this process.

How do we follow up what we have agreed upon in the conversation?

Within Motivati, you will be able to access a customized action plan where both you and your leader can document the tasks and goals that have been mutually agreed upon. This feature is designed to send you email reminders, aiding you in staying organized and on top of the planned activities.