How to change the questions in a survey

Go to "surveys" as administrator and select a survey

Why are some of the surveys in red?

  • Surveys in red are originals that can be used as is, or copied and edited.
  • It is not possible to edit an original survey or surveys that have already been distributed.
  • If the pencil icon does not appear at the bottom of the folder structure, then the survey that has been marked cannot be edited.
  • Do you wish to edit a survey in red, you have to copy it by right-clicking the survey and select "copy". You can then make changes in the copy.


  • The only form possible to edit in the survey for the development conversation is called additional questions (in the third form)
  • The changes you make in the English version of the survey will not affect the Norwegian version, or vice versa.
    • Even though the survey is not meant to be multilingual, some might have their survey according to their browsers language, or if they have actively chosen English or Norwegian when logging in. If a user have their browser in a language that is neither of the two options, the survey will automatically be in English. Remember to always check the other language to make sure the survey is the same in both languages.

Copy, delete or rename a survey

  • Copy: Right-click the survey, select "copy survey" and edit
  • Delete: Right-click the survey og select "delete"
  • Rename: Click on the survey, when the survey is marked yellow, click once more and rename it.

How to edit a survey

If you would like to edit a survey in red, you have to copy it first, and make changes in the copy.

The structure of a survey

  • A survey can consist of multiple forms
  • Every form consist of multiple questions
  • Each question has a set of alternatives

    How to edit a form, question or alternatives

    When a form, question or alternative is marked blue (when you click on it), click once more and edit in the window that appear.

    How to change the order of the forms, questions or alternatives

    The order of the forms, questions and alternatives can be changed by first marking a form, question or alternative blue and then use the small, blue arrows at the top.


    • It is not possible to make changes to a survey if you have already started the distribution.
    • Remember to log on with the other language (either English or Norwegian) to make sure the survey is the same in both languages.


    When you  have made the neccessary changes, you have to approve and make the survey available for distribution. Read how to.

    Would you rather make a completely new survey? Read how to.