Implementation - step by step

Motivati ​​has a fast and simple implementation process.

Step 1: Profile setup 

Creating a profile in Motivati requires gathering key information about employees such as their name, employee number, email, department, and head of department. We provide a template to streamline this process, making profile setup quick and efficient.

Step 2: Administrator training

After setting up the employee profiles, we will guide you through the system setup and ensure that the database is configured correctly. Additionally, we will provide an overview of the tool's basic functions, including how to send surveys and review the aggregated results.

It is recommended that one or two individuals take ownership of the process and have control over the timing of survey distributions. Consider establishing an annual cycle where development conversations are the focal point throughout the year, with the option to send out additional surveys as needed.

Furthermore, it may be beneficial to establish internal procedures for managing employee data, such as creating an "inactive" department to archive information for as long as necessary. Since employee data is linked to individual profiles, it is important to develop protocols for handling historical information when there is a change in leadership within a department.

Step 3: Information for leaders and leadership training

To ensure that leaders are well-equipped to conduct development conversations using Motivati, we provide a specialized training session. Prior to the training, leaders will be briefed on the new development conversation system and the importance of their active participation in the review process. The training session is designed to be held close to the actual development conversations to ensure that leaders have a fresh understanding of the information provided.

During the training session, conducted either over Teams or in-person, leaders will engage in discussions and have the opportunity to ask questions. The session will cover the background and purpose of Motivati, how to interpret and utilize the motivation analysis, as well as recommended conversation techniques based on the method. Additionally, leaders will be guided on how to effectively use the tool and its various functions for follow-up purposes. The training typically lasts for 1-2 hours and it is essential for managers to actively participate to ensure that the analysis is utilized correctly as intended.

Following the leadership training, leaders will receive summary information, a guide, and an interpretative document to reinforce their understanding. These resources are also accessible on the support pages and can be customized to align with their specific follow-up routines.

Step 4: Information for employees

To ensure employees feel secure in a confidential and supportive environment, we provide an information letter detailing Motivati, how to complete the initial survey for development discussions, and the role of the results in their conversations with leaders. This letter is distributed to all employees, including leaders, prior to survey dispatch. You can access this document on our support pages.

Step 5: Dispatch of employee interview

Initiating the survey process in Motivati is crucial to kickstart the development discussions. Employees have been informed beforehand, as per the information letter, and should expect an email detailing the preparation for the conversation. This accompanying email will provide instructions on how to log in to Motivati and how to complete the survey. For a step-by-step guide, you can refer to the template available on the support page. 

Once the employee has submitted their survey responses, the leader will promptly receive an email notification listing the individuals within their department who have completed the survey. This information is collected and shared via daily emails. Subsequently, the leader can reach out to schedule a conversation with the employees, initiating the process smoothly and effectively.